
Mume fructus

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Origin:<Shennong bencaojing>

Story: Say Mume fructus

Parts used:Dried ripe fruit

TCM category:Herbs that stabilize and bind

TCM nature:Neutral

TCM taste(s):Sour

Organ affinity:large intestine,liver,Lung,Spleen

Chinese name:乌梅

Other names: Wu Mei,dark plum,Chinese plums,Mume fructus,Black plum.

Preparation: The fruit is harvested when it is nearly mature and it becomes dark after being dried at low temperatures.


  • Astringe the lung to relieve cough
  • Generating body fluid to quench thirst
  • Restraining Intestine to stop diarrhea
  • Relieving colic caused by ascaris
  • Relieves vomiting

Daily application:

The benefits of brewing tea

1.Nourishing blood and beautifying the complexion: Mume fructus are rich in various vitamins and minerals, and they have the effect of nourishing the blood and improving skin complexion, helping to improve anemia and enhance skin radiance.

2.Generating body fluid to quench thirst: Mume fructus contain citric acid, which can stimulate the salivary glands through taste reflex, increase gland secretion, and alleviate dry mouth and thirst caused by various conditions.

3.Relieving cough:Mume fructus have a certain antitussive effect and can be used to alleviate cough and phlegm. They contain ingredients that have cough-suppressing and expectorant properties, providing relief for excessive phlegm and coughing.

4.Facilitating digestion and resolving food stagnation: Mume fructus have a digestive-promoting effect and can be used to improve indigestion, poor appetite, and other digestive issues. They contain organic acids and tannins that help promote digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

5.Restraining Intestine to stop diarrhea: Mume fructus are suitable for individuals with chronic diarrhea and dysentery, as they can help alleviate the symptoms of diarrhea and dysentery.

6.Antioxidant: Mume fructus are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and polyphenols, which can neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, and have certain anti-aging and health-maintaining effects.

7.Preventing high blood lipid levels: After steeping Mume fructus in water and consuming a large amount of the resulting infusion, it can promote the body's metabolism and accelerate fat breakdown. It can also inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines, thereby reducing blood pressure, lowering blood lipid levels, and decreasing blood viscosity.

This Herbs is:


Wise things:

1.Don't mix different single product together unless you understand its characteristics.

2.If you want to mix different products, please contact me.

3.Be not afraid of going slowly, only of standing still---Chinese proverb.

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