
How to improve and treat body dampness?

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2023-07-19 13:06:06 View number: 578

How to improve and treat body dampness?


Avoid iced food and beverages, and also heavy, greasy food, especially during damp weather or if you live in a damp climate. (Hint: You can tell that the food is Damp by its texture; soft and sticky for instance cheese, bananas, pastries, fried food after it cools.) Foods to improve the condition include cooked : asparagus, barley, red beans, oat, brown rice, roasted meats, carrot and green tea. Eat more onions, ginger, garlic and other aromatic spices to promote the movement of digestive Qi.


Visit a low heat sauna to gently promote a light sweat. High temperature saunas, which encourage heavy sweating, can be damaging to the body’s yin. Use caution.


Acupuncture points have properties that can clear dampness from the body system. For example a classic acupoint used to treat dampness is ST36 or Zu San Li which acts to strengthen the Spleen and Stomach and disperses Damp-Heat and Wind-Damp in the whole body.

In scientific terms, acupuncture can calm the nervous system and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. In other words, it puts the body in the rest-and-digest mode. With that, it strengthens the digestion system which encompasses the Spleen and Stomach. This will naturally clear the dampness existing in the form of undigested and unwanted substances in the body.

4.Herbal Medicine

- Promote urination and leach out dampness

- Induces sweating to release exterior

-Transform damp turbidity

-Warming and transform water and dampness

-Dispel Wind-dampness

-Invigorates Spleen

-Moves water and diminishes swelling


Many people who suffer from heavy dampness in the body lack exercise. Some may feel heavy and weak most of the time with low energy and find it difficult to exercise and move the body. Exercising moderately will help.

Enjoy the weather while supporting your body. And if you’re going to puddle jump, don’t wear wet clothing or keep hair wet for very long. I’m confident these suggestions from Chinese Medicine on managing Dampness will improve you and your families health.