
Lilii Bulbus

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Origin:<Shennong bencaojing>

Story:Legend of the Medicinal Herb Lily (Bai He)

Parts used:Dried fleshly scale leaves of the bulb

TCM category: Tonic herbs for Yin Deficiency

TCM nature:Cold

TCM taste(s): Sweet

Organ affinity: Heart,lung

Chinese name:百合

Other names: bai he,lily bulb,Lilium lancifolium,herbal lily.

Preparation: Wash the bulb, strip its leaves, boil them quickly in water, dry them.


  • Nourishing Yin and moisturizing the lungs
  • Clearing the heart and calming the mind

Daily application

The benefits of brewing tea

1.Moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough: Lilii Bulbus has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough. It can alleviate symptoms such as dry cough and difficult expectoration, helping to soothe respiratory discomfort.

2.Clearing the heart and calming the mind: Lilii Bulbus is believed to have the ability to clear the heart and calm the mind. It can help alleviate anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, and promote relaxation and good sleep.

3.Nourishing Yin and beautifying the skin: Lilii Bulbus is widely used for nourishing Yin and beautifying the skin. It is rich in nutrients such as proteins, vitamin B, and vitamin C, which can moisturize the skin and improve its elasticity, resulting in a beautifying effect.

4.Clearing heat and detoxifying: Lilii Bulbus has certain heat-clearing and detoxifying properties. It can help treat symptoms such as oral ulcers and pharyngitis.

5.Anticancer and cancer-fighting:Lilii Bulbus contains various alkaloids that have a preventive effect on leukopenia, can increase blood cells, and have a therapeutic effect on cell reduction after chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Lily can also promote and enhance the monocyte system and phagocytic function in the body, improve the body's humoral immune function, and therefore has a good preventive effect on various types of cancer.

6.Antioxidant and anti-aging: Lilii Bulbus is rich in various antioxidants such as polysaccharides and flavonoids. It has the ability to neutralize free radicals and delay cell aging, contributing to anti-aging effects.

7.Prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women.

This Herbs is:


Wise things:

1.Don't mix different single product together unless you understand its characteristics.

2.If you want to mix different products, please contact me.

3.Be not afraid of going slowly, only of standing still---Chinese proverb.

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