
Summer precautions for rheumatoid arthritis patients

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2023-10-22 03:01:52 View number: 250

Summer precautions for rheumatoid arthritis patients 

1.Avoid Prolonged Exposure to Fans or Air Conditioning

During hot summer days, the pores of the skin expand, and prolonged exposure to direct fan or air conditioning drafts can easily lead to joint pain.

2.Enhance Treatment and Protection

In summer, the body's blood circulation is faster, and aseptic inflammation spreads through the bloodstream, causing rheumatoid arthritis to be in an active or relapsing state. Patients need to be more vigilant and actively seek treatment.

3.Avoid Cold and Chilled Foods

Rheumatoid arthritis patients tend to have a cold constitution, and consuming cold foods may trigger or worsen the condition. It's advisable to choose neutral or warm foods, especially those with diuretic and damp-expelling properties, such as winter melon, coix seeds, and hyacinth beans. Avoid eating raw and cold fruits, especially foods taken directly from the refrigerator, as well as cold drinks.

4.Moderate Exercise

Swimming is highly suitable for most rheumatoid arthritis patients. Swimming not only helps beat the heat but also provides excellent exercise. For those unable to swim, gentle activities like walking and Tai Chi are recommended. Excessive sweating should be avoided.

5.Stay Away from Damp Environments

Summer often brings humid and rainy weather. It's important to keep windows open for ventilation and avoid working or studying in damp environments. Additionally, pay attention to keeping joints warm.

6.Maintain a Positive Mindset

The hot and stuffy weather in summer can make rheumatoid arthritis patients feel low, suffocated, and irritable. Therefore, it's essential to relax appropriately and maintain a positive attitude. A calm and contented mood contributes to disease management, as emotional fluctuations often worsen the condition.

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