
Chinese rhubarb

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Origin:<Shennong bencaojing>

Story:Say Chinese rhubarb (Da Huang)

Parts used:Dried root and rhizome

TCM category:Purgative herbs that drain downward

TCM nature:Cold

TCM taste(s):Bitter

Organ affinity:Spleen,Stomach,Large intestine, Liver, Pericardium

Chinese name:大黄

Other names: Rheum palmatum,Chinese rhubarb,rhubarb root and rhizome.

Preparation: Remove the stems and leaves from the rhizome and root, scrape off the rough skin and top buds, slice and dry.


  • Clear heat and eliminate fire
  • Cool blood and detoxify
  • Remove stasis and promote circulation
  • Eliminate dampness and reduce yellowing

Daily application:

The benefits of brewing tea

1.Relieving Constipation: Rhubarb is a natural mild laxative that can help alleviate constipation issues. Its chemical components, such as emodin, stimulate intestinal movements, promoting bowel movements.

2.Clearing Heat and Purging Fire: Rhubarb has the effect of clearing heat and purging fire within the body. It is used to treat symptoms caused by internal body heat, such as mouth ulcers and constipation.

3.Diuretic and Anti-swelling: Rhubarb has diuretic properties, aiding in the elimination of excess water from the body and reducing swelling.

4.Clearing Liver and Brightening Eyes: In traditional Chinese medicine, rhubarb is used to clear liver heat and improve symptoms like dry eyes and blurry vision caused by liver fire.

5.Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial: Rhubarb tea contains various natural compounds, especially alkaloids and catechins, in high concentrations. These substances have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, inhibiting various viruses within the human body. Drinking rhubarb tea can eliminate pathogenic bacteria and inflammation in the body, preventing conditions such as pharyngitis, enteritis, and pneumonia.

6.Hemostatic Effect: Hemostasis is one of the significant effects of rhubarb tea. It can increase platelet activity and accelerate red blood cell coagulation time, facilitating the improvement of bleeding symptoms. This effect is particularly noticeable for upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

7.Liver Protection: Rhubarb not only repairs damaged liver cells but also promotes liver cell regeneration. It reduces the harm caused by drugs and viruses to the human liver. Drinking rhubarb tea can promote blood circulation, inhibit the accumulation of toxins in the body, alleviate liver pressure, and significantly benefit liver health.

8.Prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women.

This Herbs is:


Wise things:

1.Don't mix different single product together unless you understand its characteristics.

2.If you want to mix different products, please contact me.

3.Be not afraid of going slowly, only of standing still---Chinese proverb.

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