
Signs of Menopause in Women

Author: Jim jia Release time: 2023-10-13 07:28:09 View number: 112

Signs of Menopause in Women

Many women in their forties may notice changes in their menstrual cycle, with periods becoming lighter or irregular. Menstrual periods that used to last for five or six days might now be reduced to two or three days, or even less. Can these changes be considered early signs of menopause?

Reduced menstrual flow after the age of forty is considered normal, and changes in the menstrual cycle are significant indicators of a woman entering menopause. Data shows that 80% of women experience menstrual irregularities after entering menopause. Many women above the age of forty may notice their menstrual cycles becoming irregular, either lengthening or shortening, until menstruation stops completely, indicating menopause. During this period, some women experience reduced menstrual flow or shorter periods, while others have increased flow and longer periods. These situations indicate that they are in the phase leading up to menopause, often referred to as the "premenopausal stage."

If a woman over forty experiences a gradual reduction in menstrual flow leading to menopause, this is a natural physiological phenomenon. However, due to improvements in living standards, some people experience menopause either before the age of forty or after the age of fifty-five, which is not ideal and should be consulted with a healthcare professional promptly.


1.After the age of forty, women experiencing menstrual irregularities or discomfort should seek medical advice.

2.Reduced menstrual flow or the onset of menopause does not necessarily mean that the ovaries have stopped ovulating; this should not be overlooked.

Women are prone to hot flashes and irritability before the onset of menopause; self-regulation in this regard is essential.

3.Women between the ages of forty-five and fifty-five may experience reduced menstrual flow without other discomforts; this can be considered a normal situation and an indication of approaching menopause.

4.If women experience symptoms such as hot flashes, sweating, dizziness, fatigue, and other discomforts during menopause, they should seek medical attention promptly.

5.Traditional Chinese medicine has unique advantages in treating and regulating menopause. It is recommended that menopausal women consult a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for treatment.

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