
About Chronic Prostatitis(2)

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2023-10-09 16:23:26 View number: 281

About Chronic Prostatitis(2)

Chronic Prostatitis with Moxibustion Therapy

Main Acupoints: Qihai (CV6), Guanyuan (CV4), Zhongji (CV3), Huiyin (CV1).

Additional Acupoints: Shenshu (BL23), Zusanli (ST36), Taixi (KI3).


1.Moxibustion for each main acupoint lasts for 15 minutes, and for each additional acupoint, it lasts for 10 minutes.

2.This treatment is conducted continuously for seven days.

3.Both left and right sides of the acupoints should be treated during moxibustion.

Acupoint Locations:

1.Qihai (CV6):

Location: Lie flat on your back. It's below the abdomen, on the midline of the front, 1.5 inches below the navel.

2.Guanyuan (CV4):

Location: Lie flat on your back. It's below the abdomen, on the midline of the front, 3 inches below the navel.

3.Zhongji (CV3):

Location: Lie flat on your back. It's below the abdomen, on the midline of the front, 4 inches below the navel.

4.Huiyin (CV1):

Location: Lie flat with bent knees. It's in the perineal area; for males, it's at the midpoint between the root of the scrotum and the anus.

5.Shenshu (BL23):

Location: Prone position. It's in the lumbar area, below the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra, 1.5 inches lateral to the spine.

6.Zusanli (ST36):

Location: Sitting or supine position. It's on the outer side of the lower leg, about 3 inches (4 fingers) below the depression below the knee cap, approximately 1 finger's breadth lateral to the shinbone's anterior border.

7.Taixi (KI3):

Location: Sitting upright or lying down. It's on the inner side of the foot, in the depression between the ankle bone and the Achilles tendon.