
About Chronic Prostatitis(1)

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2023-10-09 13:48:24 View number: 160

About Chronic Prostatitis(1)

 Chronic Prostatitis Daily Precautions

1.Regular Medical Checkups: Regular follow-ups and adherence to the doctor's advice, including medication and physical therapy, are crucial. Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture are recommended, providing a holistic cure without side effects.

2.Avoid Prolonged Sitting or Standing: Extended periods of sitting or standing may worsen symptoms. Minimize prolonged sitting and standing to enhance blood circulation. Pressure on the perineum can impair local blood flow and exacerbate prostatic conditions.

3.Maintain Body Warmth: Avoid exposure to cold, especially around the abdominal and lower body areas. Cold exposure can stimulate the sympathetic nerves, increasing urethral pressure and causing reflux.

4.Avoid Spicy and Irritating Foods: Foods and drinks like chili peppers, coffee, and alcohol might worsen inflammation. Try to reduce or eliminate their consumption. Spicy foods can cause congestion and worsen local symptoms. Consuming zinc and selenium-rich foods like shellfish can be beneficial.

5.Dietary Adjustments: Consume more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Avoid high-fat and high-cholesterol foods. Substances like lycopene in tomatoes can be helpful for prostatitis.

6.Moderate Exercise: Adequate physical activity can enhance the immune system and promote blood circulation. Avoid intense exercise to prevent symptom aggravation. Swimming, yoga, and tai chi are recommended.

7.Maintain Emotional Stability: Avoid emotional stress, learn relaxation techniques, and manage stress. Positive emotions have a significant impact on the body. Clinical studies indicate that prostatic symptoms fluctuate with life stress. Thus, maintaining a relaxed state is crucial. If patients experience anxiety or depressive disorders, appropriate psychological counseling or traditional Chinese herbal teas can be helpful.

8.Moderate Sexual Activity: Excessive sexual activity might aggravate prostatic congestion and inflammation. Control the frequency of sexual activity. Excessive abstinence is also not advisable since the prostate, as a significant accessory gland, secretes vital components of semen. Prolonged abstinence can cause discomfort and is not beneficial for the prostate.

9.Regular Urination: Avoid holding urine, which can increase pressure during urination, causing urinary reflux into the prostate. Regular urination keeps the urethra clean, reducing the chance of bacterial infection.

10.Quit Smoking and Alcohol: Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake can alleviate inflammatory symptoms.

11.Maintain Adequate Hydration: Regular water intake dilutes urine, reducing irritation to the prostate. Concentrated urine can stimulate the prostate, causing harm over time.

12.Maintain Local Hygiene: The scrotum is flexible and secretes more sweat. Due to poor ventilation in the genital area, dirt can accumulate. Maintaining cleanliness in the perineal area is crucial in preventing prostatitis. Circumcision, if necessary, should be performed promptly to prevent bacterial accumulation and retrograde entry into the prostate.

13.Sleep Early, Avoid Staying Up Late: Regular sleep patterns and sufficient sleep enhance the body's resistance.

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