
Uterine Fibroid Medical Case(1)

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2023-09-24 08:12:32 View number: 94

Uterine Fibroid Medical Case(1)

Liu XX, a 33-year-old female bank employee, came for a medical consultation on December 10, 2022.

She had been experiencing irregularities in her menstrual cycle for the past six months, with each period being delayed and accompanied by heavy bleeding. This had left her feeling mentally exhausted, prompting her to seek treatment. A B-ultrasound examination revealed a 6-centimeter fibroid located beneath her uterus, specifically identified as submucosal fibroids. Standard gynecological examinations did not reveal any other abnormalities.

The patient described severe abdominal pain, increased vaginal discharge, and persistent lower back pain. She often felt mentally fatigued and excessively drowsy.

I prescribed a course of treatment with Guizhi Fuling Jia Wei Decoction, which she followed for three treatment cycles.

Subsequent B-ultrasound examinations showed significant reduction in the size of the fibroid, leaving it approximately 1 centimeter in size. Her menstrual cycle had normalized, and her mental state had markedly improved. I advised her to continue the treatment for two more cycles to consolidate the progress.

After completing the prescribed treatment, a follow-up B-ultrasound revealed the complete disappearance of the tumor.