
Tips for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2023-10-19 14:32:52 View number: 237

Tips for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

1.Maintain a regular daily routine and ensure adequate sleep. Keep wrists and knees straight while resting to avoid joint pressure.

2.Avoid cold and fatigue, stay warm, and minimize exposure to cold stimuli. 

3.Be mindful of joint pain; engage in daily activities without experiencing pain.

4.If joint pain persists for 2 hours or more after an activity, the activity was too intense.

5.Ensure your living space is well-ventilated and sunny; keep indoor air fresh and bedding dry.

6.Quit smoking and limit alcohol intake; avoid passive smoking.

7.Maintain good hygiene; avoid greasy, sugary, and spicy foods that burden the digestive system.

8.Increase the proportion of high-quality proteins in your diet; consume fresh vegetables and fruits.

9.Manage stress and anxiety; maintain a positive mindset.

10.Use warm water for washing and showering; after sweating, swimming, or showering, dry your body promptly and change into dry clothes.

11.Avoid wearing tight clothing; opt for clothes with larger buttons or use assistive devices like zippers or Velcro.

12.Choose loose-fitting pants with elastic bands.

13.Wear lightweight shoes with wide, spacious toe boxes; opt for rubber soles with cushioning.

14.During acute flare-ups, rest in bed to reduce stress on affected joints.

15.When symptoms improve and pain subsides, engage in gentle exercises to gradually enhance joint functionality.

16.During stable or remission periods, participate in appropriate exercises to prevent joint deformities.

17.Control your diet and prevent weight gain, especially for those who are overweight or obese, to reduce the burden on the joints.

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