
Maintaining health according to the 12 Chinese hours

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2024-02-27 16:07:44 View number: 71

Maintaining health according to the 12 Chinese hours

1.(子时)Zi Hour (11:00 PM - 1:00 AM): Nourish the Gallbladder Meridian: It's best to sleep before 11:00 PM to nurture the emergence of Yang Qi, as sleep significantly impacts one's vitality and longevity by nourishing Yang Qi.

2.(丑时)Chou Hour (1:00 AM - 3:00 AM): Nourish the Liver Meridian: Adequate sleep during this time is crucial for supporting liver function. Lack of sleep or excessive alcohol consumption burdens the liver's detoxification process and affects liver blood nourishment.

3.(寅时)Yin Hour (3:00 AM - 5:00 AM): Nourish the Lung Meridian: The deepest sleep occurs during this time, aiding the transition of Qi and blood from static to dynamic states. Individuals with heart conditions should wake up later and avoid sudden movements, discouraging morning exercises.

4.(卯时)Mao Hour (5:00 AM - 7:00 AM): Nourish the Large Intestine Meridian: This is the optimal time for normal bowel movements to eliminate toxins. If experiencing constipation, it's advised to take deep breaths rather than clenching fists.

5.(辰时)Chen Hour (7:00 AM - 9:00 AM): Nourish the Stomach Meridian: As Yang Qi is at its peak during this time, it's ideal for easy digestion. Therefore, breakfast should be substantial and nutritious.

6.(巳时)Si Hour (9:00 AM - 11:00 AM): Nourish the Spleen Meridian: The Spleen is crucial for digestion, with breakfast food undergoing digestion during this period. Spleen disorders may manifest as thinness, excessive salivation, or edema.

7.(午时)Wu Hour (11:00 AM - 1:00 PM): Nourish the Heart Meridian: This marks the transition between Yin and Yang, advocating for rest and relaxation during this period, including a short nap.

8.(未时)Wei Hour (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM): Nourish the Small Intestine Meridian: The Small Intestine primarily absorbs nutrients, making a nutrient-rich lunch essential. Lunch should ideally conclude by 1:00 PM.

9.(申时)Shen Hour (3:00 PM - 5:00 PM): Nourish the Bladder Meridian: Adequate hydration and regular urination are recommended during this time.

10.(酉时)You Hour (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM): Nourish the Kidney Meridian:The vitality is stored in the kidneys, and massaging the kidney meridian points during this time can help nourish the kidneys.

11.(戌时)Xu Hour (7:00 PM - 9:00 PM): Nourish the Pericardium Meridian: Maintain a cheerful mood and avoid heavy, oily meals for dinner. A post-dinner stroll is recommended.

12.(亥时)Hai Hour (9:00 PM - 11:00 PM): Nourish the Triple Burner Meridian: Sleep during this time aids in rejuvenating the body's energy channels and enhances immune function.

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