How to Prevent Stomach Cancer
How to Prevent Stomach Cancer
1.Dietary Considerations
Avoid excessive intake of high-fat, high-protein, and refined fiber. Consume more grains and whole grains.
Reduce salt intake and limit consumption of pickled, smoked, fried foods, as well as red and processed meats. Increase the intake of vegetables and fruits.
Avoid consuming moldy food.
2.Timely treat Helicobacter pylori infections.
3.Develop Good Eating Habits
Maintain regular eating patterns, avoid overeating, and consume meals at a moderate pace. Eating irregularly, overeating, or consuming food too quickly or too hot can be damaging to the stomach lining, potentially leading to stomach cancer. It is recommended to spend no less than half an hour on a meal to ensure thorough chewing. Adequate chewing allows for preliminary digestion by saliva before the food enters the stomach, reducing the burden on the stomach.
4.Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption.
5.Ensure a well-balanced diet with a variety of nutrients.
6.Maintain an objective mindset.
7.Avoid excessive fatigue and ensure sufficient sleep.