
Four-Substance Decoction--nourishing and invigorating blood

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2024-03-30 17:28:23 View number: 93

Four-Substance Decoction--nourishing and invigorating blood

Four-Substance Decoction, a classic formula for nourishing and invigorating blood, is widely regarded as the foremost remedy in gynecology. Originating from the Song Dynasty's "Taiping Huimin Heji Jufang," it's commonly known as the "top blood-nourishing formula for women." Many women experience a yellowish complexion after their menstrual cycle, making blood nourishment, menstrual regulation, and skincare their top priorities. Taking Four-Substance Decoction after each menstrual cycle can restore a rosy complexion and moisturize the skin.


15g Angelica sinensis (Danggui-当归)

15g Rehmannia glutinosa (Shudihuang-熟地黄)

10g Paeonia lactiflora (Baishao-白芍)

10g Ligusticum chuanxiong (Chuanxiong-川芎)


Place the above ingredients in a pot, add 220ml of water, and decoct until the volume reduces to 150ml. Take on an empty stomach, twice daily, morning and evening, for one week after menstruation. Optionally, add red dates, wolfberries, and rock sugar for sweetness. Alternatively, adding chicken, pork ribs, or crucian carp enhances the taste of the decoction and reduces the medicinal flavor.

Angelica sinensis, the monarch herb in this formula, has a sweet and spicy taste, warm nature, and enters the Liver, Heart, and Spleen meridians. Its functions include nourishing and invigorating blood, regulating menstruation, relieving pain, moisturizing the intestines, and promoting bowel movements, benefiting complexion and skincare.

Rehmannia glutinosa, the minister herb, has a sweet taste, slightly warm nature, and enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Its functions include nourishing blood and Yin, nourishing essence, and filling the marrow. Modern pharmacological studies show that Rehmannia glutinosa contains mannitol, vitamin A, and other components. When combined with Angelica sinensis, it increases the content of ferulic acid, enhancing the blood-nourishing and blood-invigorating effects, and improving symptoms such as pale complexion, dizziness, irregular menstruation, scanty menstruation, or amenorrhea in women.

Paeonia lactiflora, the assistant herb, has a bitter and sour taste, slightly cold nature, and enters the Liver and Spleen meridians. Its functions include nourishing blood, regulating menstruation, softening the Liver, tonifying Yin, and relieving urgency and pain. It is effective in treating pale complexion due to blood deficiency and irregular menstruation.

Ligusticum chuanxiong, the envoy herb, has a spicy taste, warm nature, and enters the Liver, Gallbladder, and Pericardium meridians. Its functions include promoting blood circulation, relieving pain, dispelling wind, and calming the Liver. It is commonly used in gynecology for treating headaches, affecting the endocrine system, alleviating breast discomfort, anxiety, and depression, and other premenstrual symptoms.

Although Four-Substance Decoction is beneficial, it should be used with caution:

1.It should not be taken every day, as it may lead to excessive menstrual bleeding, rapid breathing, pale complexion, and even endocrine disorders, leading to uterine lesions.

2.Pregnant or lactating mothers should avoid taking it.

3.Women who often experience constipation, have a hot constitution, or are prone to acne due to heat should not take it due to its warming and drying properties.

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