
Say PCOS (Part 1)

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2023-09-12 15:56:25 View number: 154

Say PCOS (Part 1)

TCM Analysis of PCOS

Congenital Kidney Qi Deficiency and Kidney Essence Insufficiency: This can result in a lack of reproductive essence, leading to weak movement of this essence, insufficient blood in the liver, and difficulty in nourishing the uterus. Over time, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular, and in some cases, menstruation may cease altogether.

Kidney Deficiency and Liver Stagnation: Kidney deficiency can lead to liver qi stagnation, which can further transform into heat in the body. This heat can manifest on the face as acne. Additionally, the interaction between the wood (liver) and metal (lung) elements may lead to excess hair growth (hirsutism) due to the lung's connection to the skin and hair.

Kidney Qi Deficiency and Dampness: Kidney qi deficiency can impair the body's ability to transform and transport fluids. When wood (liver) restricts earth (spleen), it can cause dampness to accumulate. Prolonged dampness can lead to phlegm accumulation, blockages in the middle jiao (abdominal region), and eventually, obesity.

Phlegm-Dampness Obstruction and Blood Stasis: Phlegm-dampness can accumulate in the body, leading to blood stasis. Qi circulation becomes sluggish, and blockages form, particularly in the ovaries. The thickened and hardened ovarian capsules, along with blockages, can disrupt the menstrual cycle and cause it to be delayed or absent.

In addition, kidney deficiency, liver stagnation, phlegm-dampness, and blood stasis can all contribute to delayed menstruation, lack of ovulation, and ultimately, infertility.

Treatment Principles: The treatment approach involves nourishing the kidneys, replenishing essence, regulating the liver, strengthening the spleen, dispelling phlegm, promoting fluid metabolism, invigorating blood circulation, and removing blood stasis.