
Say Fatty Liver (Part 4)

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2023-09-12 14:55:53 View number: 116

Say Fatty Liver (Part 4)

Treating Fatty Liver with Moxibustion

Moxibustion Acupoints: Ganshu (BL18\肝俞), Pishu (BL20\脾俞), Zusanli (ST36\足三里), Zhongwan (CV12\中脘), Shenque (CV8\神阙), and Fenglong (ST40).

Moxibustion Method: Once a day, 15 minutes per acupoint, for a total of 7 consecutive days, completing one course of treatment.

Principles: Moxibustion should follow a specific sequence - start from the upper body, then move to the lower body, from left to right, and from the back to the chest and abdomen, and finally to the limbs.

Expected Results: Clinical moxibustion therapy is combined with the intake of herbal prescriptions. Depending on the severity of fatty liver, a general course of 4-12 treatments should lead to a cure.

Acupoint Locations:

Ganshu (BL18)

Location: On the back, 1.5 inches lateral to the lower border of the 9th thoracic vertebra spinous process. There is one on each side.

Pishu (BL20)

Location: On the back, 1.5 inches lateral to the lower border of the 11th thoracic vertebra spinous process. There is one on each side.

Zusanli (ST36)

Location: On the front lateral side of the lower leg, about 3 inches below the depression below the knee (about 4 finger widths), and about 1 finger width from the outer edge of the shin bone. There is one on each side.

Zhongwan (CV12)

Location: In the upper abdomen, 4 inches above the navel, on the midline.

Shenque (CV8)

Location: In the middle of the navel.

Fenglong (ST40)

Location: Find a line connecting the knee point (patella) and the lateral malleolus (outer ankle bone). Take the midpoint of this line. Then find the anterior border of the shinbone (tibia) on the outer side, about 1.5 inches away from it. There is one on each side.