
Advantages of Chinese medicine in treating disease

Author: Alice White Release time: 2023-07-19 10:39:21 View number: 109

1. Chinese medicine has a comprehensive regulatory effect.

When traditional Chinese medicine treats common diseases, it is often not only for the treatment of the disease itself, but also to improve the overall immunity and body resistance by comprehensively regulating the function of the body.

This combined regulatory effect can relieve symptoms in a short period of time and prevent the recurrence of the disease over the course of long-term treatment.

2. Traditional Chinese medicine is flexible and versatile in the treatment of common diseases.

When traditional Chinese medicine treats common diseases, it can be treated in different ways such as decocting soup, boiling pills, boiling paste, boiling wine, etc. This flexible treatment method can provide personalized treatment plans for different types of patients and improve the effect of treatment.

3. Chinese medicine has low side effects and good safety.

In the treatment of common diseases, Chinese medicine often uses natural herbs, which have fewer side effects and are safer than Western medicine.

4. Various kinds of Chinese medicine, can be individualized treatment.

TCM doctors can scientifically match and treat patients according to their symptoms and signs after comprehensive analysis


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