
Say Longan Flesh

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2023-08-20 11:25:02 View number: 108

Say Longan Flesh

Longan Benefits

Tonifying Qi and Nourishing Blood: Longan is suitable for people with ischemic anemia, hemorrhagic anemia, and those who are depleted in Qi and Blood. Particularly, individuals with dry hair, brittle nails, and fatigue can consume longan flesh to alleviate discomfort.

Nourishing the Heart and Calming the Mind: Among various types of insomnia, one type is caused by excessive worries and insufficient Qi and Blood, leading to palpitations, absent-mindedness, and insomnia. Longan consumption can help relieve this type of insomnia. Notably, the renowned modern Chinese physician Zhang Xichun successfully used longan to treat students under high academic pressure, helping them overcome anxiety and nervousness. Thus, consuming longan can be a beneficial choice when facing sadness or high stress.

Strengthening the Spleen and Invigorating the Stomach: Longan consumption can aid the production of more abundant Qi and Blood by the spleen and stomach. People with poor appetite can improve their eating habits to some extent by consuming longan flesh.

Enhancing Memory: It does promote intellectual development in children. Regular consumption can enhance memory and have a positive effect on nourishing nerves and brain tissues.

Health Recipe

Longan Soup

Ingredients: 30g longan flesh.Instructions: Soak the longan flesh in 500ml of boiling water for about 5 minutes. Consume the flesh and drink the soup.

Effects: Nourishes Blood and clears the mind. Ideal for individuals who frequently stay up late or lead a fast-paced lifestyle.

Longan, Goji Berry, and Red Date Tea

Ingredients: 30g longan flesh, 50g red dates, 20g brown sugar.

Instructions: Halve the red dates after washing and remove the pits. Soak the dried longan with cold water for 20 minutes. Combine in a pot with red dates, brown sugar, and appropriate amount of water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for about 30 minutes until the liquid reduces. Keep the heat low, stir until it becomes a paste, then pour out and let it cool. Store in the refrigerator. When consuming, take about 1 teaspoon along with 10 goji berries, mix in warm water.

Effects: Nourishes the heart, calms the mind, tonifies Qi, nourishes Blood, and benefits the liver and eyes. Suitable for office workers and individuals in a suboptimal health state.

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