
The Legend of Chrysanthemum(Ju Hua)

Author: Jim Jia Release time: 2023-08-08 10:23:00 View number: 178

The Legend of Chrysanthemum

Legend has it that in ancient China, there was a young man named Ah Niu. He lost his father at a young age, and his mother struggled to make a living by spinning. Due to the hardships of life and the loss of her husband, Ah Niu's mother often cried, and her eyes became afflicted. Ah Niu worked for a wealthy landowner while also tending to farming and vegetable cultivation to provide money for his mother's medical treatment.

One night, Ah Niu dreamt of a beautiful girl who told him, "Follow the canal westward for dozens of miles until you reach Tianhua Dang. Inside Tianhua Dang, there is a chrysanthemum flower that can cure eye ailments. This chrysanthemum blooms on the 9th day of the 9th month during the Chongyang Festival. When the time comes, make a soup with the chrysanthemum flower and have your mother drink it. It will surely cure her eye condition." Following the girl's instructions from his dream, Ah Niu brewed chrysanthemum soup and successfully cured his mother's eye ailment.


When the wealthy landowner learned about this, he wanted to monopolize the chrysanthemum flowers. He sent people to seize the flowers, and during the confrontation, the chrysanthemum was broken, and its petals scattered on the ground. This deeply saddened Ah Niu, and he cried inconsolably. In the middle of the night, he saw the girl from his dream again. She revealed herself as a celestial flower fairy and imparted the secret of growing chrysanthemum to Ah Niu.

Following the girl's guidance, Ah Niu successfully grew chrysanthemums. On the 9th day of the 9th month, chrysanthemums bloomed in front of Ah Niu's house, spreading a fragrant aroma. People began using chrysanthemums for medicinal purposes, and a new remedy was born.

Nowadays, people often drink chrysanthemum and goji berry tea to maintain their health. Chrysanthemum and goji berry tea provides excellent supportive treatment for individuals in suboptimal health conditions. For instance, those who frequently stay up late, work overtime, or spend extended periods in front of computers can benefit from drinking chrysanthemum and goji berry tea. It helps keep the mind clear and the eyes bright.

Chrysanthemum Recipe:

Chrysanthemum and Pig Liver Soup

Ingredients: Chrysanthemum 10g, Sicklepod Seeds (Juemingzi) 10g, Pig Liver 70g, Sesame Oil 10g, Chopped Scallions, Chicken Essence, Salt as needed. Crush the sicklepod seeds and brew them with chrysanthemum to make a decoction. After filtering out the residue, collect the herbal juice. Pour the herbal juice into a pot and add an appropriate amount of water to boil. Wash and slice the pig liver, then blanch it in the herbal juice until cooked. Season with salt and chicken essence. Place the cooked liver and soup in a bowl, add sesame oil, and sprinkle with chopped scallions. Serve the liver and drink the soup.

Suitable for individuals with symptoms of liver fire disturbing the head, such as dizziness, headaches, vertigo, red and swollen eyes, cataracts, and high blood pressure.

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