Say PCOS(part 4)
Say PCOS(part 4)
Moxibustion Method for PCOS
Main Acupoints: Zhong Ji(中极), Qu Gu(曲骨), San Yin Jiao(三阴交)
Secondary Acupoints: Shen Que(神阙), Ba Liao(八髎).
1.Moxibustion for each main acupoint: 15 minutes, each secondary acupoint: 5 minutes.
2.Seven consecutive days make up one course of treatment.
3.Stop moxibustion during menstruation and resume after the period.
4.For bilateral acupoints, moxibustion should be applied to both sides simultaneously.
5.Moxibustion should follow the order of upper body before lower body, left side before right side, and trunk before limbs.
Location Description:
Zhong Ji Acupoint(CV3)
Location: Lie on your back. In the lower abdomen, on the midline, 4 inches below the navel.
Quick Method: On the midline in the lower abdomen, 1 horizontal finger's breadth below the pubic symphysis.
Qu Gu Acupoint(CV2)
Location: Lie on your back. In the lower abdomen, on the midline,at the midpoint of the upper edge of the pubic symphysis.
Quick Method: On the midline in the lower abdomen, feel for a horizontally oriented bony landmark, which is the upper edge of the pubic bone.
San Yin Jiao Acupoint (SP6)
Location: Sit upright. 3 inches above the inner ankle bone, on the posterior edge of the shinbone.
Quick Method: Place four fingers together, with the little finger's lower edge touching just above the inner ankle bone. The point where the upper edge of the index finger intersects a horizontal line at the level of the posterior edge of the shinbone is SP6.
Shen Que Acupoint (CV8)
Location: Lie on your back. In the center of the navel.
Ba Liao Acupoints (BL31-BL34)
Quick Method: Lie face down. Use the index, middle, ring, and little fingers to locate the points. Start at the false spinous processes of the sacrum (S1-S4), then move outward about 1 horizontal finger's breadth, and locate the depressions. The positions of the four fingers correspond to Upper Liao, Second Liao, Middle Liao, and Lower Liao.